How To Choose The Right Chair Mat?
Allow us to demystify this process. Take a deep breath and follow these easy steps.
- Determine what type of flooring you have. Do you have hard floors or commercial carpet? If so then we recommend the following options: Standard Bamboo Chair Mat or Rug'd Chair Mat (1/4" option). If you have residential carpet (i.e. any style carpet with carpet padding underneath) please continue to the next step.
- Find a paper clip and pretend you are MacGyver. If you can’t find a paper clip, are confused by the MacGyver reference or don’t have the patience for this exercise just jump to Step 4 to be safe and order the thickest mat we offer. Otherwise, do the following:
Straighten the end of a paper clip.
Push the straightened end into the carpet and through the pad until it hits the floor.
Grab the paper clip where it's flush with the carpet and measure the distance.
- If your carpet and pad is greater than 1/4" thick but less than 3/4" thick we recommend the following options: Deluxe Bamboo Chair Mat or Rug'd Chair Mat (1/4" option).
- If your carpet and pad is 3/4" thick or more we recommend the following options: Plush Bamboo Chair Mat or Rug'd Chair Mat (1/2" option).